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privacy statement

Projob Privacy Statement

In order to provide our services we process personal data. The privacy of your data is of great importance to us and we handle your personal data confidentially and with care. In this privacy statement, we will provide you with further details on how we manage your data.

If you provide Projob B.V. with data, we will use that data in accordance with the policy described below. 

When is your personal data collected?

We collect your data from the moment that you:

  • Register with Projob directly at our office, at our fairs, on our website(s) or on our portals;
  • Have an agreement with Projob in any form whatsoever; 
  • Communicate with Projob (e.g. by email, telephone, or in writing);• Participate in any social media activities initiated by Projob (e.g. by clicking on “like” or “share”) or by logging in using your own social media account; 
  • Subscribe to a Projob newsletter or register for a job alert; 
  • Participate voluntarily in surveys and/or in promotions, games or any competitions organised by Projob; 
  • Accept cookies that are stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit our website(s).

In summary: We collect your data from the moment you enter or leave your data with Projob and register, or are registered in any way with Projob to use our services. 

Why do we collect your personal data?

Projob collects and processes your data for the sole purpose of managing our services of recruitment, temporary employment, secondment services, payrolling, freelance placement, training, personal/career coaching and employability training, salary administration, personnel management and consultancy/advising.

Where is your personal data stored?

When you provide personal data to Projob, your data is added to our database. This also applies to any data we collect from you as an employee or as a representative of a (potential) business association such as a (potential) customer, supplier, sales representative or other company or institution. Your personal data may be processed and stored by our service providers on behalf of Projob. Projob has taken organisational and contractual measures to protect your personal data and to impose security and privacy requirements on our service providers, including the requirement that your personal data be processed solely for the purposes set out below.

For which purposes does Projob use your personal data?

  • To comply with applicable laws and regulations;
  • To enter into and maintain an employee/employer relationship or a personnel/recruitment relationship with you and to keep personnel, financial, hourly, absenteeism and/or salary records for this purpose, or to enter into and maintain a relationship aimed at acquiring/carrying out assignments and to keep financial records for this purpose; 
  • To assess your suitability for a particular position or assignment, to register your availability and to initiate contact between or introduce you to one or more (potential) clients and/or potential business associates;
  • To make arrangements to place you with a client, to offer you training courses or training opportunities, career advice or coaching and/or other (work-related) services, to have work carried out by you for clients, or to arrange assignments for you;
  • To be able to conclude agreements with you, our client(s) and/or business associates and to be able to carry out and adhere to these agreements;
  • To assess whether you are eligible to apply for tax relief and/or benefits or whether you qualify for tax relief and/or subsidies; 
  • To fulfil our reintegration obligations and the target set by the government to support those on the labour market who are disadvantaged in finding work;
  • To promote and encourage your personal development, to allow you to participate in (online) testing and to be able to generate test results; 
  • To inform you of our services, other activities and/or provide you with company related information (e.g. via email, newsletters, company magazines and professional literature) and to be able to make you offers on behalf of Projob;
  • For management purposes and for generating management information and reports, carrying out market analyses, (internal and external) controls, audits and accounting audits and promoting and maintaining operational safety;
  • To allow you access and use of our members only portals; 
  • To inform you of the products and/or services of carefully selected partners by placing information about them on our websites or by including information about them in our newsletters, company magazines and similar publications. 

Depending on the purpose and/or service in question, the data Projob processes includes (but is not limited to): Name, address, place of residence, e-mail address, telephone number, contact details, nationality, date and place of birth, gender, curriculum vitae (CV) and motivational letter, personal websites and/or profile pages, Chamber Of Commerce number, work experience, diplomas, certificates and training courses (copy), bank account details, medical insurance policy or customer number, education details, testimonials (copy), references (copy), passport photo (copy), ID card (copy), social security number (copy), work permit (copy) and residence permit (copy). When you have received a username and password to access our portals, we will also process this data.

Processing sensitive personal data

We shall only process sensitive personal data if you have given your explicit consent or if there is another legal basis for doing so. Projob shall not store your personal data for longer than is necessary for the purposes for which this data has been collected and shall comply with the applicable laws and regulations in this respect.

How long do we retain your personal data?

The retention periods that we apply depend on the relevant statutory retention periods.

Data of candidates and coachees (clients who purchase services for the purpose of (career) development):

With whom do we share your personal data?

Projob may pass on your personal data to (potential) clients and associates, suppliers (e.g. training organisations), auditing bodies, government agencies, subcontractors and to companies and/or individuals it has engaged in the management of certain tasks (including processors of data). In addition, Projob may supply your data to third parties if it is entitled or obliged to do so by virtue of the applicable legislation and/or regulations, a court order or a court ruling, or if it has obtained permission for this from you. Projob may also, after you have given your permission, place your profile or curriculum vitae in its original form or an anonymous version, on the member’s only area on its website(s) and customer portals and/or make it public.

If you agree with Projob that we will introduce you to our client(s), we will forward your CV unaltered to these client(s).

For which purposes does Projob use your sensitive personal data?

The sensitive personal data which Projob processes apply primarily to data that can be obtained from your identity card/passport, of which we are legally obliged to make a copy of if you are to work for us. In addition, we may process sensitive personal data relating to your health, benefits status or background. We do this in order to be able to make use of tax relief and/or subsidies, to comply with our reintegration obligations and in order to implement the government's target to support those disadvantaged in the labour market. 

With whom do we share your sensitive personal data?

Only persons/individuals who need this information for the (fulfilment of) their work and/or for compliance with the applicable legislation and regulations are granted access to the sensitive personal data that you provide us with. This includes personnel, financial, absenteeism and/or salary records, data processors, those involved in (internal and external) quality control, (the supervision of) financial reporting and the application of tax relief and subsidy schemes. We may also pass on any sensitive personal data received from you to our clients if there is a legal basis for doing so. We may likewise pass on this information to those governmental agencies which supervise the implementation of the government's targets and/or the granting of tax relief and/or subsidies

How long do we store your data?

  • Your personal data is available for up to two years after your last contact with Projob.
  • If you have worked for us or used our services, certain personal data will remain available longer for the purpose of claims, audits and fiscal responsibilities.
  • If you no longer wish to be approached or placed, you may inform Projob of this. In this case, you will no longer be approached or placed by Projob.

Data of (potential) business associations:

For what purposes do we process the personal data of employees or representatives of (potential) business associations? 

Personal data that Projob obtains from employees or representatives of (potential) business associations  such as (potential) clients, suppliers, salespeople and other companies or institutions, is used for the following purposes: 

  • To allow you to make use of our services and/or to be able to make use of your services;
  • To enter into and maintain a commercial relationship with you;
  • To agree on assignments and/or to be able to carry them out or have them carried out;
  • To inform you of our services and other activities (e.g. via e-mail, newsletters and company magazines) and to be able to make you offers;
  • To comply with applicable laws and regulations;
  • To allow you access to and use of our members only portals;
  • To inform you of the products and/or services of carefully selected partners by placing information about them on our websites or by including information about them in our newsletters, company magazines and similar publications.

The data Projob processes includes (but is not limited to): (Business) name, address, place of residence, date of birth (optional, i.e. insofar as it is provided), conversation reports, job title and contact details. When you have been provided with a username and password to access our member’s only portals, we will process this data. 

Who do we share personal data of employees or representatives of (potential) business associations with? 

Projob can pass on the personal data of employees and representatives of (potential) business associations to third parties if this is required for the execution of their services. Projob may also pass on your data to flexitime workers, candidates, applicants, employees, suppliers (e.g. training organisations), audit authorities, government agencies, subcontractors and to companies and/or persons engaged by Projob to perform certain tasks (including data processors). In addition, Projob may provide your information to third parties if it is entitled or required to do so by law and/or regulations, a court order or a court ruling, or if it has obtained permission from you for this purpose. Projob may also post your company profile or vacancies publicly on its website and/or publish them in their original form or an anonymous version after you have given your permission.

Processing sensitive personal data of employees or representatives of (potential) business associations: 

We only process sensitive personal data if you have given us your explicit consent, or if such processing is in accordance with the applicable (privacy) laws and/or regulations. Only individuals who need this information to carry out their work and/or for compliance with the applicable legislation and regulations will have access to the sensitive personal data that you provide us with. This includes the personnel, financial, absenteeism and/or salary records, those related to (internal and external) quality control, (the supervision of) the financial reporting and the application of tax relief and subsidy schemes.

Data we process from visitors to our websites

In general, you may visit our websites without providing us with any personal data, however, like many other websites, we do collect certain non-identifiable automatic information about visitors to our websites. In addition, we process data concerning the date and time you visit our website(s) and pages, the region from which you visit our website(s), the website(s) through which you have accessed our website(s), the pages and parts of the website(s) you have visited, (how long and how often and in what order), which information you view and which information you upload or download from the website(s).

The data collected is used to customise the content of the website to the requirements and needs of visitors to our website(s). We may transfer the unidentifiable information to third parties and this data will be retained for future use.

Our websites may contain references and/or hyperlinks to one or more other websites. This Privacy Statement is not applicable to these websites and we advise you to review the privacy policies of these other websites so that you are aware of how they manage your privacy. 


Your rights
You can request to access, supplement, amend or delete your data at any time. If you have log-in details to our members only portals, you may also be able to (partially) add to, correct or delete your details yourself. You can submit a request via or by letter (Projob B.V. Attn. Data Protection Officers, Van Baerlestraat 63-65, 1071 AR, Amsterdam). We aim to respond to your request within four weeks after receipt.

Projob makes every effort to take appropriate organisational and technical measures to protect your personal data from unlawful processing and/or loss. Employees of Projob who have access to your personal data are legally bound by a confidentiality clause.

Questions comments and complaints
If you have any questions, comments or complaints with regards to this Privacy Statement or the way Projob registers, uses and processes your data, you can contact us by e-mail at or by letter (Projob B.V. Attn: Data Protection Officers, Van Baerlestraat 63-65, 1071 AR,  Amsterdam). We aim to respond to your request within four weeks after receipt. 

Changes to this statement
Projob may amend this privacy statement when necessary to comply with applicable laws. In case of substantive changes to this privacy statement, the date after "last modified" at the bottom of this page will be updated. All changes regarding the processing of personal data as described in this privacy statement will be communicated to those to whom the changes apply. The most current privacy statement can always be consulted via the websites of Projob.

This privacy statement was last modified: January 28, 2021.